Welcome to the Devil's Literary Workshop

"An idle mind is a devil's workshop." But then isn't enjoying leisure the essence of being human? Have you ever heard of a dog or a cow enjoying a story or laughing at a joke?
I believe in the current age, life has become too hectic and mechanical. Any idle time we get is like an oasis in the journey through the dreary desert of day to day life. Lucifer's (another name used for devil) workshop employs a work force of one - 'The Fool', who speaks his mind without fear or favor. He churns out fiction, poetry, satire and other literary art works for your reading pleasure during your idle time.

Find below the catalog of our wares with product descriptions and current stock availability. We at Lucifer House Inc. believe any true work of art is priceless. So we don't charge anything for our wares. However, if you particularly enjoyed any work here, 'The Fool' would appreciate a kind word of appreciation.

At the end of the hard day's toil, when the sun has set and the lights are down, wouldn't you like to sit around a fire with your fellows and share a few yarns? Or at least recline on your comfortable bed with a bed time story! I have enjoyed all kinds of tales from my childhood, starting with my grandfather's stories and moving on to comics, novels, television serials, movies and cartoons. Having listened to stories, now I attempt to tell my own. Click here to check out my stories. You will find humor, fantasy, sadness, humanism and maybe even some fool's wisdom.

Words, words, words! Powerful though they are words are inadequate to measure the width and depth of human emotions and feelings. But if at all there were a means of representing emotions and feelings through words, poetry comes closest to doing it. I have dabbled in verse a bit in my school days making funny rhymes to entertain my friends. Recently I discovered the power of this medium and whenever I have had thoughts loaded with powerful feelings, I have attempted to capture them through poetry. My poetry can vary from frivolous to happy to philosophical to outright tragic. Click here to sample some of my poetry.

Art lies in appreciation of art as much as its creation. This is my humble attempt to pay tribute to other great works of literary art – conventional ones like books and movies, more unconventional ones like other blogs, television serials, comics, cartoons and computer games. As they say ‘Judge not others lest you be judged’. So I am no one to judge anyone else’s art. But I attempt to express the effect the art had me on and give my thoughts on how I might have done it differently as a fellow artist. In the process I also add to my art. Click here to check out my reviews.

As the cliché goes reality is stranger than fiction. This is the real thing, the real experiences in life. It is to share these that very concept of blogs originated and it is something that really fascinates one and all. So this is the journal part of my blogs capturing some of the moments from life, sometime s funny, sometimes fascinating, sometimes though provoking. I haven’t written much about myself specifically anywhere on the blog. But then aren’t we in some way the sum total of our experiences. So this is me one could say. Click here to know more about me.

There are some theories that say beauty is all about symmetry and proportion. Symmetry and proportions exist not only in the physical world but also in the world of ideas and logic. In my analysis I take some general concepts or burning issues of national/global interest and try to present a structured analysis with symmetry of logic and balance of viewpoints. That is my purpose in doing analysis. Though sometimes I get carried away when I have strong feelings on issues, I believe there is no absolute right or wrong and I would be the last person to lay it out for someone else. Every human deserves to think and decide on their own and I don’t seek to influence anyone with my ideas. My analysis can be found here.

Life has multiple vicissitudes and at times things can be real taxing. The only way one can maintain one’s sanity amidst immense stress is by looking at the funny side of things and having a hearty laugh to relieve oneself. Once you are able to laugh at something, it no longer looks so menacing anymore. My satires are an attempt to highlight the ridiculous aspects of otherwise serious issues and generate a few laughs. This is one place where I can just let my imagination run wild without any boundaries. You can find my works of satire here. In a way this is where I live up to my name. Courts of kings in Victorian times had jesters or fools who would spell out hard unpleasant facts others feared to speak out in a humorous way.


Picture Credits (In the order of appearance on this post)
  1. http://www.candlelightstories.com/2009/06/15/booking-the-future-an-article-about-where-publishing-is-headed/
  2. http://www.midland-school.org/RelId/608610/ISvars/default/2009-10.htm
  3. http://smsinurdu.wordpress.com/2010/07/23/urdu-poetry-faraz-poetry-sms/
  4. http://canadahouse.com/aboutus.asp
  5. http://www.thechangeblog.com/keeping-journal/
  6. http://marketingepic.com/blog/importance-market-analysis
  7. http://blog.news-record.com/staff/outloud/archives/2008/07/
  8. http://miriadna.com


Someone is Special said...

First of all I love the new template TF.. Rocking template, and nice classification of your work.. As always, I look forward to read your work..

Someone is Special

T F Carthick said...

Thanks SIS. Your the first person to give feedback on this new design.

zephyr said...

Loved the new template and the neat classification of the Devil's workshop. I find your satire and analysis the best of all. Keep writing :)

T F Carthick said...

Thanks a lot, Zephyr. This is going to be my homepage from now on. I may write more satire but analysis generally I write lesser these days.

Ruchita said...

HI TF!!!

Coming to your blog after a long time and I got a pleasent surprise. New template really look awesome and very easy to acess. I love the background color.
BTW...On a lighter note, I think you are so delighted with 2 Lakme awards that you have opted their background Color :)

T F Carthick said...

Thanks a lot, Ruchita. I have made bold changes in my blog format moving it away from the typical format. Good to know you liked it. Ha ha ha - Lakme contest!

Anonymous said...

your comments have a date stamp on them, but your posts no longer have them.

one of the nicest things about your blog is the way you have organized it so that readers can navigate it easily. i have always found it engaging to place a piece of writing in time in order to appreciate the author's journey. you must be having your reasons to feel otherwise.

this look is definitely much peppier than the older one, and i guess like everything, one will get used to it.

loved your description of your wares and your selling policy.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks a lot, Suborup. That is an interesting observation you have made. Well if someone is really interested in seeing things time wise, Archives are available on the bottom right. But I am essentially a creative writer and not sharing about life's journey or much about news and current affairs. So I want to avoid my blog being viewed as a regular blog with time associations.

aativas said...

Very organized presentation of your blog. Appreciate it and look forward to interesting posts - as always.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks, aativas. Glad you liked the new organization. I have plans to do more in the coming months. Do look forward to seeing you regularly at my blog.

Arti said...

Lucifer house inc is a workshop that I have known for long and it is definitely one of my favorite places on this blogging planet to visit. I love the products that are sold here and the best thing is that 'The Fool' has kept them priceless...

I wish the house to keep churning out more variety in all the years to come with the same zeal and passion and reach greater heights of prosperity by adding more and more feathers in its beautiful cap.

Thank you, Lucifer house inc... just for being there and always keep writing, your force is a true inspiration and a truly humble being. :)

T F Carthick said...

Thanks a lot for such a lovely comment on my new intro page, Arti.

Saru Singhal said...

Cool! A perfect place to look for variety. And you give credit for all the pictures used, that's great. BTW, I love the title of your blog.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks a lot, Saru. Hope to see you more often here.

umashankar said...

That is a scintillating Blog-ship, human!

I can sense the beginning of a long, delicious mission. I will try to hold onto the fins of your vessel. ;)

T F Carthick said...

Thanks umashankar. Welcome aboard.

Panchali said...


Wow...your page looks terrific! And how neatly you've organized the labels here...It will be easy navigation for the readers!!

T F Carthick said...

Thanks a lot, Panchali.

Elvira Lobo(Elli) said...

oh wow....lovely read and nice look;)

T F Carthick said...

Thanks, Elvira.

Rachna said...

I am new here. I did come here before on a few occasions. Loved the classification, will be back to check out the posts in the different genres.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks Rachna. Look to see you more often at my blog.

Sumath said...


We were trying t invite you for a event in Bangalore for bloggers. Can you please email me at team [AT] gingerclaps [dot] com

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