
Reading round up - 30 Jan 2017

I wanted to write daily about what I read. But somehow not finding time or sometimes just don't feel like. On this blog, I am just not going to push myself. Will only write when I feel like. So here goes - after a gap of 2 weeks.

So 5 books I am reading concurrently. The first one is Fifth Discipline. I liked some of the ideas of systemic thinking and about having shared vision for the company and how companies should be about growth of employees together as persons and in the process growing the company. All this is good to read. But most existing organizations are not like that. The live for stock markets and the quarterly results. And most senior managers live for their own annual performance appraisals. And the places are competitive and everyone is judged all the time. Things are done in a hurry and most of the time is spent cutting through internal bureaucracy of the organization and client. It is all fine and dandy to read Fifth Discipline and Goal and Maverick. But reality is so different. Maybe for this reason alone I must start something that works like the organizations mentioned in these books.

Anyways moving on to the next one, Rumpole continues to delight. I am yet to decide if I consider the Rumpole stories as crime stories or more of social humor like Wodehouse. Whatever they are, they are gripping; they are fun. And Rumpole is one of the most likable characters. And all other characters who come regularly are also well etched. The last story was about an animal rights activist who wants to confess a murder he didn't do so that he could become a martyr for the movement. The current story is about a gruesome murder. We have the side story of a handsome solicitor wooing Rumpole's wife of 47 years. I can kind of guess where this going to head.

The third one is the Tamil book - Parthiban Kanavu. Progress has been slow and I have neared the 200 page mark. Still it is not even half complete. But since this has come over years in a magazine, every chapter is kind of independent and has a clear beginning and end and leaves something dangling for the user to pick up in next chapter. Hopefully reading it will improve my Tamil speed and soon I can reach closer to my English speed. In the story as such, not much is happening. Lot of descriptions are there. The princess if looking for the mystery mendicant as is the king Parthiban's step brother Marappan who betrayed his nephew to the enemy king Naraimha Pallavan. The Pallava king still however refused to trust Marappan and he is out to prove his loyalty and earn the Chola kingdom for himself as a vassal under the Pallava king.

The fourth one is Jane Eyre which I am reading as audio book. So far it has been  very interesting and not at all slow. The initial school scenes were good and then story moves to Thronfield. The character of Rochester is quite interesting. And one can relate to the conversation between Jane Eyre and Rochester. Then there is this mystery going on which is still not revealed. So the reader is on tenterhooks what is hidden at Thornfield and what is the mystery in Rochester's life. Similarly there is a thread of history around Jane Eyre's ancestry. The reunion of Jane with her foster mother and foster sisters was again satisfying. It kind of brings closure to the bitter experiences of her childhood. So its been good going so far at 1-2 chapters a day. At chapter 23. Still 15 more to go with 3 questions to be answered - what happens of the romance between Rochester and Jane, what about her inheritance and what about his mystery? The scenes are all intensely written and are good reads even without the thread of main story holding them together.

The fifth and final one is Little Women - a book I have heard of for so many years but never got around to reading. Most of the older books I read are British ones with Mark Twain being the notable exceptions. It is refreshing reading books set in America for a change. It is interesting to observer the differences between the two cultures. Trixie Belden is another American series I am pursuing. The books tell us about the life in America a few decades or even a century back. Of course I have got a bit of it from Hardy Boys, Archies and Three Investigators but those books. So far we have the five girls shown performing a play and giving up their breakfast for the poor and the two elder girls attend a party.

So that's it with my reading. This is more like pouring out my thoughts than for anyone to read. But still a publicly available record.  


Anonymous said...

nice. Rumpole...hmm..haven't heard..will check out.There Was a time when i couldn't read multiple books..but now i am. Reading the Black Swan, then Discovery Of India And The Road Less Traveled.If You Get Time, you could check out an app called Blinkist. i liked it but thought the paid version was too expensive and the free version suits me fine.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks Asha. You should check out Rumpole. It is a real fun read. Thanks for the app reco - will check it out.

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