
Mind's True Marriage II

The sun was shining brightly over the green meadows. The meadows were lush with greenery and flowers of every color had bloomed. She sat on a swing made of fresh flowers. It was drizzling lightly and a peacock unfurled its feathers and danced in all its finery. The peacock then slowly began to walk towards her. Birds always seemed to like her.

She was not too surprised when the peacock turned into a beautiful woman. She had high cheek bones and held her chin high. She wore a white gown and a floral crown. The word queen was written in every aspect of her. She walked up to Shruti in majestic grace. Shruti involuntarily jumped up from the swing in respect.

You have had a visit from my kinswoman lately I believe. She never misses any opportunity to corrupt gullible mortals. It is always left to me to clean up after her and stop the world from going to the dogs

She wondered what this Goddess’ game was. The moment the thought arose in her mind the Goddess spoke up.

Sorry I did not introduce myself. I am Hera, the queen of the Gods. I am the Goddess of family and marriage. It falls on me to preserve order in this world.

In spite of her experience with Aphrodite, the Goddesses’ abilities to read stuff right of her mind unnerved her. Hera’s preaching strangely reminded Shruti of her mother. She was very fond of her mother though. She had been her best friend over the last thirty years. She could not imagine what she would have done without her mother. When she was in kindergarten, every day her mother would carry her to school. When she was older, her mother would sit with her every evening and listen to the happenings in school and then help her with her studies later on. When she became older and was preparing for competitive exams, her mother would make tea and wake her up early every morning. The list was endless.

Hera gave a knowing smile. ”Fine lady your mother, eh? And what of your father?” Shruti’s thoughts moved on to her father. As a child she had found her father to be distant and inaccessible. But as she grew older, she had grown closer to him. He had jeopardized his career for her sake. He had got lot of foreign assignments. But he had rejected them for the sake of continuity of her education. When she had hesitated about going abroad for higher studies, he had stood by her like a rock. He had spent all the savings of his lifetime to fund her education without a second thought?

I am sure they will be excited when you tell them you are planning to marry a Muslim boy.” The hint of sarcasm in Hera’s voice was unmistakable.

But Hera had made a point. Her parents would be heart broken if they came to know she was marrying someone from a different community.

Anyways I guess they have outlived their utility. Who needs them anymore, eh? Independence to indulge in hormonal adventures is more important, isn’t it?” Hera now had a stern expression like her high school maths teacher.

Shruti mumbled something, “But Aphrodite……

Indeed! That is always her game. You must have heard of the story of Troy. Following her advice lead a whole city into ruin. "

After a pause Hera continued, "If everyone acts independently, what is the difference between humans and animals? A dog has the freedom to hump any bitch he fancies! Is that what you seek? So much for your claim of being social animals! The most fundamental unit of human society is the family. If you undermine the family, whole civilization will come crashing like a tower of dominoes.

Shruti’s euphoria from her previous night with Shabir was wearing off under the onslaught of Hera’s incisive words. Her mind was filled with guilt now. She was having second thoughts now. Was he worth all the pain she would cause to her parents?

Hera was still not done yet. “Marriage is not a bond between two individuals but between two families that acts as the cement of human society. So isn't it fair that the decision is taken between families rather than between individuals? Your parents have always wished only well for you and sacrificed so many things for your welfare. Yet you want to keep them out of the most important decision of your life? You don't trust them any more? Marriage is a lifelong commitment. Do you want to decide on that by yourself impulsively? Don’t you think it makes more sense to sit across the table, discuss with your parents and decide together?

Shruti was now totally confused. She could still sense a yearning for Shabir deep down in her heart. The last evening had been wonderful. They had had a wonderful time together reminiscing the college days. She had been in raptures listening to his smooth voice as he cracked jokes and made her laugh. When she was with him, she totally forgot herself. But now looking back with a clear mind, she felt all that was superficial. She felt she really did not know him as a person beneath his physical appearance and his wit and humor. Luckily the charm had given way for a moment of sanity. He had invited her home for a drink. But she knew what that implied and had not been ready for that. She had excused herself with some lame reason of office work pending. Now she was feeling happy she had done that.

The meadow around her was calm and silent. A gentle breeze was blowing. Her mind was settling down to a calm state. The surge was settling. She was first and foremost her parent’s daughter. She once again felt like a child. She would never let down her parents.

The silence was disturbed by someone gently shaking her. “Shruti, get up. I have made some tea for you. Have it and get ready for office.” Shruti’s mother was surprised when Shruti suddenly jumped out of her bed and gave her a violent bear hug.

The Beginning of the Story : Mind's True Marriage I
Next Part of the Story       :  Mind's True Marriage III


umashankar said...

That is a brilliant vessel you have employed to move your muse ahead. For the second time now, I am left marvelling at the fusion of reality, dreams and myth. The plot is thickening now for sure.

C Suresh said...

Ah! The war of the Goddesses? Next is it Pallas Athene or Diana arguing for not marrying at all? :)

N.S.Kirti said...

OOooooh!! Interesting twist!! just when i was thinking you are going with the love story part. so it is love marriage vs arranged marriage after all! But the way you have picturized it is SUPERB. The whole Goddess thing is so exciting :D
and i can totally understand Shruti's dilemma. Her parent's reaction would be so natural.
well it is upto Shruti to decide I guess!
cant wait for the next part TF! :D

BlogwatiG said...

So far, so good......ab will she or won't she? Waiting with bated breath!

T F Carthick said...

Thanks a lot, umashankar. I always like fusing myth and dreams into my stories. Writing straightforward stories don't excite me so much.

T F Carthick said...

C.S - You should put a spoiler alert on your comment. After you comment, I think anyone who knows Greek mythology would have an inkling where this story is heading. But luckily most of my audience are Indian who do not know Greek mythology.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks a lot for your encouraging comment, Kirti. I have more stuff planned for the next 2 episodes.

T F Carthick said...

Good to see you back, Blogwait Gee. You will find out what she decides in the next 2 episodes?

C Suresh said...

My bad, TF! Sorry!

T F Carthick said...

No issues, CS. Maybe I still have some aces up my sleeve.

the factfiction said...

love marriage v/s arrange marriage ehh??

Jayashree Srivatsan said...

This is getting interesting...I did read PArt I earlier but somehow my comment was not getting saved at all...Lemme try now...Eagerly awaiting Part 3...

Chapters From My Life said...

Missed the first part.. after being entertained by your logic here now moving on to read what happened before this. You are great fictional blogger

T F Carthick said...

Thanks Farida. Fiction is what I really love to write.

T F Carthick said...

It is for that topic, tanaya.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks, Jaishree, the final 2 parts will be up soon.
I was wondering, jaishree when I got your vote on Indivine and did not see a comment from you.

Aishwarya said...

hehe! a twist again !! wonder what follows next, waiting eagerly.
its a treat visiting your blog every time :)

DS said...

As I had expected the Hindu-Muslim angle comes in. The plot is definitely building up but whats with this dream in the end!! Was this all a dream sequence which she will live now!

Anonymous said...

Like Umashankar has said already you used an interesting vehicle to convey a useful message.

Something we forget as youngsters and conveiently recollect when they become parents. :)

Waiting for the next instalment.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks ashzzes. I hope I live up to your expectations.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks DS. Well, both the posts were two dreams in which Greek Goddesses appeared. The rest of it is all reality.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks jayadev and welcome to my blog,

indu chhibber said...

You have drawn up a unique format to discuss this issue,i wonder which one you will choose love marriage or arranged.

Obsessivemom said...

Wow you do write well. I read the third part first, then the first and then this. Now hurry up and give me the next.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks Indu. Glad you liked my format. Do check out the final 2 posts.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks for the compliment, obsessivemom. The last part is also up now. Do check it out.

Saurabh Chawla said...

nice post, great :) here have a look at this one when you get time :) All te best for contest!

ekta khetan said...

You have a knack of story telling :)

Good one..

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