
My Blogging Journey: Mid Year Review and Reflections

Recently I did an interview for one of the bloggers Rahul Miglani. One question I skipped there was ‘what was the most challenging moment in your blog content development process and why?’ At first glance it did seem like an error of oversight while filling up the interview questionnaire. But then it occurred to me it was possibly too convenient a question to miss as the answer was not easy. I gave some thought and the answer came to me – writing about myself. The interview itself was one of the tougher posts to write. I don’t know how it is for others. But I find it very tough to write about myself. I don’t find it so difficult to write about my distant past or the present in a satirical manner, a kind of caricature as that gives me an air of detachment. But writing earnestly about the present is the most challenging for me. No wonder I have been continuously postponing writing a post about my 4 year blogging journey. I kept pushing the milestones. The second, the third and fourth anniversary came and went. In terms of posts, the 50 mark was breached, then the 100 mark followed by the 150 marks and I am heading fast towards the 200 mark. Same has been the case with followers. The 200th follower came 2 months back and now 12 more followers will take me past the 250 mark.

Typically when a task is too complex, the solution is to break it into simpler tasks. So I have decided to write smaller posts giving updates on my blogging journey once in 6 months. Of course I had my own doubts about the value of this update to my readers. But recently I made a most surprising discovery, much to my joy. At least 6 of the bloggers interviewed by Rahul Miglani in the same interview series have mentioned me as someone they look up to. So I can hope at least these 6 people will find something of interest in this post. Let me start by giving the links to these 6 interviews. Being mentioned as someone worth looking up to boosts my confidence as a blogger and is one of the things that will help me when I go through my phase of self-doubt and feel like quitting blogging.

I had earlier posted 2 posts about the importance of blogger awards for me while accepting 8 awards conferred on me by kind blogger friends. Ever since, 3 more friends have chosen to honor me with blogger awards. Sorry for the late acknowledgement though as my creativity has been overflowing lately and was busy harnessing it while it lasted amidst the tight professional schedule and personal commitments. I would once again like to reiterate that how many ever I get, I still appreciate every one of the awards from fellow bloggers. I am not doing the 7 random facts and 15 bloggers thingy. However you can easily find more than 7 facts about me and my blog in this post. Whether they are random are not is up to you to decide. But facts definitely. And at least 15 bloggers have been mentioned in different contexts. (The 6 people who mentioned they look up to me, the 3 people who gave me the award, the 2 blogs that hosted my guest post and the one that is going to host soon, DS and Pramod Lohia, who encouraged me and Rahul Miglani who did my interview)


Talking of creativity, I was almost planning to give up on contests after the series of losses in the Real and Expedia Indi blogger contests. But thanks to my friends, I did not and went on to participate in The Castrol, Vodafone and Lakme contest. Though the Stayfree and Incredible contests brought me more disappointment, I went to win at both Castrol and Vodafone. If I had given up before the Castrol contest as I had intended, it would have been like the story of the miner who having dug for years, missed the diamond by giving up just before the last few inches to reach the diamond. Thanks to DS, Pramod Lohia and the others at Indi who did not let me go the way of the miner. 

Zoozoo Bean Bag from Vodafone

Other than awards, blog posts from the Castrol contest on has been rewarding in other ways. I discovered my love for humorous fantasy. I loved writing ‘The Legend of the Baikadu’, ‘Man in the Dark Helmet’, ‘The Singer Series’, ‘Cloud Black and the Seven Sardars’ and ‘Blank Pages’. Also I am exploring if I can write the singer series as a novel. In this context I am in two minds whether to leave the Singer series be on my blog or take it down. I had taken it down for few days and now brought it up again for a couple of friends. I think my current thought is to let it be. The idea of novel is entirely speculative and depends on a lot of factors within and beyond my control. So why deny my readers the entertainment in hope of something long way off? And honestly I am not keen on making a lot of money by writing books. Writing is just my love’s labor and I only seek to be read widely. Money, I need only as far so as to be able to devote more time to my writing without being bogged down by other professional commitments I may have to take up to ensure by sustenance.

Two of my resolutions for this year were to do blog reviews and to write guest posts on niche blogs in order to engage effectively with other bloggers. So far I have done 14 reviews in 6 months, keeping with the promised rate of 2 reviews a month. In terms of guest posts, I have done one each on a travel blog (Shadows Galore) and a current affairs blog (The NRI). Looking to debut on a story blog (Story in Pieces) soon and I hope to be seen on few other blogs as well before the year ends.

Last and possibly the least too is statistics. But then one can’t ignore statistics altogether either in today’s world. So I would like to sign off with some statistics and rankings. When I checked a couple of days back, I found out my Google page rank has gone up to 3 for the first time. Both my Alexa and Moz Ranks are at all-time highs of 646.8 K (Lower the better. Less than 1 M is typically considered good) and 3.84 (Higher the better. Above 3 is decent. Above 4 is damn good). There are currently 296 external juice passing links.


D said...

that was a humble take about yourself sir, long way to go and more prizes to be won..
heartfelt wishes :)
keep sharing informative things....
feeling proud to share your name and place :P

T F Carthick said...

Thanks a lot, Deepak. Good to see you active again.

umashankar said...

It was nice to have a peek into the thoughts of someone I appreciate. Your fantasy series, including the 'Blank Pages', are one of the the best I have ever read anywhere. Carry on the waltz!

Ruchita said...

Very nice post...Its incredible that from past 4 years you have been writing the post... kudos to your persistence

zephyr said...

I enjoy your posts a lot and have left comments too, but somehow have not had your footprints on mine :( I guess that means there is nothing to interest you there?

Your stats and info about your blog are indeed inspiring. I have said this before and am saying it again -- The Fool is a misnomer :D

T F Carthick said...

Thanks a lot, zephyr. And thanks for openly broaching the topic. I saw your footprints decrease on my blog and guessed it would be because of lack of reciprocation. Not that I don't like your writings. Just that I am usually lazy, careless and forgetful. Only these days I am consciously trying to reciprocate visits. You will find me more often at your blog from now on. Do look forward to see you here regularly.

Stan Szczesny said...

Congratulations on 4 years of great blogging. I enjoy your writings and look forward to more years.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks, Stan. Glad to see you back on the blog after such a long time.

sibi said...

Excellent review cum introspection You are really an inspiration to me and many bloggers! Continue your creativity!

T F Carthick said...

Thanks a lot, Sibi.

Vinay Leo R. said...

Never done a review of this type for my own blogging journey, but this was a good look back at the milestones I think.

There is a link to my interview and I do mean what I said there.. you are one fabulous blogger, and proper reader.. It's good to see you around my blog, reading my posts and telling what you feel as it is without mincing words. You're a rare gem in that regard. Very few write it as it is..

Your accolades of late are remarkable, and you can add the win for "Blank Pages" to this. Makes it a hat-trick of recent victories, right? Shows the power of your fictions, and I do hope you stay around. You encourage a lot..

I've never seen your blog for stats, but what you mention is like quite good :) Hope they get better and better...

DS said...

Congrats on yet another win TF. This is a nice little compilation of the facts and figures and contemplation and what an ardent reader of your blog can look forward to. Hoping the singer turns into a novel too. And hope our X Men team grows. Best Wishes.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks a lot, Leo. You are also an inspiration for me in some ways as you might have seen me mention in my interview at DVD's site.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks a lot, DS. You want to add more folks to team X-men?

Bhavana said...

Hmmm, you still did not write about is challenging, huh?
Congrats, TF!!! That is some achievement- 5 years, 250 thousand readership, so much love from co-bloggers!! Wow!

T F Carthick said...

Thanks, Bhavana. I though I did write about myself. You mean about the boring stuff I studied at college and do at office?

s said...

Hi TF - That was a humble post from you! Hats off to your determination to keep writing. It would be really nice if u wrote something about u, I always felt knowing the blogger helps a reader 'connect'! Many might differ :) It is nice to be your reader, even if a 'kabhi-kabhi-one'.....Here is to wishing you many more feathers-in-the-cap!

T F Carthick said...

Thanks, Shilpa. I do like to connect with readers/fellow bloggers. But I am in 2 minds - whether it helps to exist through your writings alone or to bring my real life persona in here. I realized no one feels comfortable following a nameless faceless blogger. I have actually written a little bit about myself in the About Me. And there are a few glimpses of events from my life in the experiences section.

T F Carthick said...

@Shilpa - Glad to see you back here. In spite of maintaining an impersonal air, I do notice who comment regularly and miss them when they are not seen for long.

Richi Baidwan said...

I always felt writing makes one happy and your post tells me it does so in more ways than one!

Not only are the stats pretty inspiring, the experiences of meeting new people and sharing are as well.

Any pointers for those still testing the waters of the tell.

T F Carthick said...

Sure does, Richi. Well I have seen people shooting up the hall of fame in statistics within 6 months of blogging. I don't know how they manage to me. My journey has been slow and steady. I have just been persisting and experimenting with different forms of writing and different ways to reach out to bloggers/readers - contests, forums, prompts, twitter, facebook, guest posts. I am still doing the same.

Mr.Miglani said...

hmm Nice

T F Carthick said...

Thanks Rahul.

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