
Two Blogger Awards and One more Contest Loss

Tale of three brothers

A huge army came from one direction. Caravans filled with wealth came from the second direction. Nobody came from the third. The two brothers converged on the inn. In ten years, the elder brother has gained power. The second brother had garnered wealth. Where was the third brother? Suddenly they recognized the inn keeper. He had married and settled down at the inn. He was busy playing with two little kids. The inn soon rang loud with arguments? Was wealth greater or power? They suddenly stopped and looked at the silent third brother. The happy contented look said it all.


This year I have been participating in lot of contests. But I don’t seem to be winning anything this year. Yesterday I bit the dust in yet another contest and was trying to swallow the disappointment. Then I thought what if I don’t win awards. More important is to win hearts. In these 4 years I have made so many good friends in the world of blogging. Even before the results, one of these friends SIS told me not to base the worth of my writings on contest results. Write for yourself and the one or two friends who genuinely like your writings. After the contest results, another friend DS told me something on similar lines. Thinking of it, friends like these mean more than contest victories. So I was a winner after all.

In this context, I am thinking of the blogger awards. I have already posted about the other 5 awards I had received. Today I have yet another blogger award. This time from Princess Poo, a sweet little blogger! The award can be found here. Thanks a lot for the award, princess. I really appreciate.

Then going through my old blogs, I noticed another award I had missed out. It is from another young blogger Devan Harikumar. Thanks DeVan. It does mean a lot to me. Sorry for the delay in accepting the award. Here is the award link.

In the world we assess the value of things by their scarcity. By that principle, contest awards are scarce while blogger awards are abundant. Does that mean blogger awards are less valuable than contest awards? Diamonds are rare. Air and water are abundant. Think about it.


A stupid choice

Duryodhana was jubilant. He could not believe Arjuna’s stupidity. Lord Krishna had tried to trick him and give the hand away to Arjuna. And his stupid cousin had frittered away the opportunity. He had gotten Krishna’s powerful Yadava army? And what had Arjuna got? Just a Lord Kirshna who had vowed not to lift weapons!


Gayathri said...

Hey TF, I thought about it but didn't get what you were trying to convey actually... Do you mean to say that blogger awards are precious because precious things are free as in water and air.. or was that some sarcastic comment! Whatever it is I loved your blog and you are great, now you are awesome too.. Awesomeness has just joined the party!

T F Carthick said...

Well Gayathri. I meant air and water are available in abundance. Does not mean they are useless compared to diamonds.

DS said...

Loved the starting and the ending. Have heard that Arjuna story so many times from my Grandfather.
The middle part we already discussed in depth yesterday, glad you understood my point. We will win, certainly, one day.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks, DS. Don't know if we will win. But I have to start thinking less about winning and more about writing for the love of it.

dvirada said...

Again, loved the way you related meaningful anecdotes to your post. Does this style of writing already have a name? I think it is your own unique idea. So may be it can benamed after you:-)

Glad that you have taken things optimistically. You definitely have a lot of admirers of your writings . And without doubt you can include me to be one of them. I have immensely enjoyed your posts and I staunchly admire your out of box ideas which makes each post of yours very unique.

The way I see it, contest awards may have strange rules and criteria for judging the winners which we might not be aware of. Just like nobody is aware of the 'real' criteria they adopt during moderations and promotions. The most deserving person might not be chosen for some weird reason after all. So I am sure you will soon win the contests. In fact i have a very strong feeling that God has something better planned for your sincere efforts. To be honest I keep getting thoughts that you will surely be a well established author one day and I can be privileged to get autographed books from you:) I am very honest when I say this without any sense of exagguration.

I am very sure that you will always have me as an admirer of your writing along with the other readers of yours.

T F Carthick said...

Thanks, dvirada. What you say is true. I do hope your words come true and I get to publish my books some day. And thanks for the support.

The starting story is called a drapple - a story in 100 words. I have started this new style of including the smaller works such as flash fiction and haikus in general ranting type of posts so that there is some value to reader as well. Don't know if others also do it.

Arti said...

The stories say it all. Definitely, writing is all about winning, the meaning of which varies differently for different people. Some are happy in monetary gains while some others are content by receiving love. Congrats on all your awards and I am sure many more are on their way!

I LOVE your writings TF, you are a gem.. a rare one and you have a style of your own. I think the prime reason you don't win contests is because it is never easy to 'judge' a writer of your caliber. You are on a different level altogether, blessed with a unique creative sense that is so difficult to find these days.. Keep it going, TF! Your talent is extraordinary and above all, you are a wonderful and a humble human being. For all these qualities and more, You will always be a winner for me. :)

T F Carthick said...

Thanks a lot, Arti. That is a long and glowing compliment from you. I value a comment like this more than any contest prize. You made my day today with this lovely comment.

Cris said...

Am coming here after long..

Good to see a lot - a hell lot - more followers for the blog.

Is there any new series running like the bride-hunt which first brought me here?

T F Carthick said...

Wow. Good to see you back, Cris. Even recently I have been thinking about you. You were my first ever regular reader on my blog outside of personal friends.

Somehow you seem to have a penchant for changing blogs often. So I could not find you either.

Ever since you knew me then I have been writing a lot - fiction, poetry, reviews , satire and lots of stuff.

Janak Kumar Yadav said...

Congratulations for the award Buddy...

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